Achieving wellness and joy is a goal. On your journey towards achieving this goal, you could choose body, mind and spirit cleansing. In the book, Total Life Cleanse, author Jonathan Glass shows you how cleansing erases obstacles to your goals. He says that removing difficulties such as overweight, depression, low-grade inflammation, and more, gives you the possibility to regain radiant health and joy.
An often-seen quote from Master Yogi B.K.S. Iyengar says :
“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.”Mindfulness comes from divine inspiration. It’s the kind of loving example you get from true practitioners who are eager to help you move forward in your objective, no matter how your present situation seems to be holding you back. If the objective in your life is to achieve wellness—the ultimate physical state—then to actually get there is a supreme gift.
Total Life Cleanse: A 28-Day Program… by Jonathan Glass provides you with a practitioner’s guidance and knowledge for how to achieve a total cleanse. With perseverance, cleansing erases difficulties such as overweight, depression, low-grade inflammation, and more, giving you the possibility to regain radiant health and joy. In fact, at any level of success with the cleanse, you’ve enhanced your life. You can only gain from an experience with the cleanse.
A good book is always so much more than can be said about it.
As you flip through the pages of Total Life Cleanse, you encounter both familiar and new territory. Images of yoga asanas (the Tibetan Five Rites for starters) and instructions for pranic breathwork will immediately awake your curiosity.
Told in two parts, Total Life Cleanse reveals methods for cultivating health, wellness and a sense of joy. Part 1, the “Why of the Cleanse”, provides the philosophy, actually many philosophies, combined to create this program.
Further along, you’ll see sections like TLC Daily Routine Guide and TLC Recipes. Part 2, the “How of the Cleanse”, is a manual for each day of the 28-day program. It also provides shopping lists for food and beneficial supplements, internal and external exercises, detox practices outside of food, and the advantages of seasonal cleansing.
Author Jonathan Glass notes that because of its name “Total Life Cleanse”, his Cleanse program has the same acronym as “t-l-c”, tender loving care. The concept “tender loving care” streams from an ultra-high or uber-source, some one or thing well beyond the ordinary, or someone that brings healing, comfort, bliss in your life.
TLC comes from someone who knows what you need at this particular moment in your life. Ultimately, you’ll find that someone, is you.
The Cleanse uses diet and physical/spiritual practices. By cleansing, you discover your innate power to influence healing in your mind and body. And by cleansing you’ll throw off negative influences on bodily systems that disrupt your thoughts and engender dis-ease. Total Life Cleanse helps you do it.
Total Life Cleanse lays out a complete program to revitalize you from inside—out, from your philosophical viewpoint to your physical being. The Cleanse can be taken once for good benefit, twice a year for increased benefit; you can choose a season to maximize the intent.
Total Life Cleanse is also about intentions in your daily life, especially suited to these days when so many toxin-laden aspects of our lives reward us with lower vitality, failing health and decreased longevity. As you do the cleanse, the whole program in the Total Life Cleanse can engage your spirit as well as your physical sense of well-being.
But Glass says it’s not necessary to follow philosophies such as the principles of ahimsa (non-violence) and bhakti yoga (devotional yoga) in order to receive benefits.
No doubt the reader will be attracted to the method and style that he presents, especially when it comes to ridding ourselves of old, destructive habits, etc. We need a proven technique, a means of shedding the destructive layers. Rather than face your fears head-on (an impossible task without a team of coaches behind you) instead you discover how to take them apart bit by bit, until they are powerless to keep you down anymore. For this method of healing, the author suggests certain ways to achieve cleansing. Just so happens they are millenia-old secrets, and originating from Asia.
Ayurveda (ancient Indian medicine), is an example of one Asian system, contributing self-care in the forms of abyanga (applying oil to the body), diet, and spiritual practices. Another Asian system, Chinese traditional medicine, uses an awareness of the five elements (earth, fire, water, wood and metal) to show how our environment relates to our human bodies. The two systems help us view and process information about being human and being made of elements that also compose every other being and thing in our universe. You and I are each a part of the Whole.
Simply promoting ancient views of health is not enough. Total Life Cleanse is the latest manual for both body and mind work. This manual incorporates both ancient and current methods of cleansing. For part 1, the articles are written for complete understanding by a casual yogi, or even a potential cleanser. Reading these “Why” chapters, there is a sense of abundant information which has been carefully orchestrated in small pieces for an easily digestible larger picture.
Part 2’s articles on breathwork, yoga asanas and mediation exercises are among my favorite aspects of the book— they are really detailed and helpful if you are trying to emulate a yogic experience. I can see turning to them constantly, to get through down times and emphasize the upbeat ones, whether or not I’m participating in a cleanse.
Glass also brings forward examples from modern research that can work in tandem with venerable practices. These include current research on genomics, kidney and liver detoxification, and sugar metabolism.
Glass defines Ayurveda’s knowledge about the specific inclinations of the body called doshas. These doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) are the names of constitutional reactions of the body to stimuli, such as food and weather. The author sights individualized approaches to balance these inclinations and achieve wellness through combining old and new systems.
Total Life Cleanse offers knowledge about how to cleanse your body for an energized and joyful life. This is tangible support that comes from years of experience presenting this cleanse in person. You can view individual videos on YouTube and on Healing Essence Center.
See Jonathan Glass, MAc., C.A.T. at Healing Essence Center.