Yin Yang Balance for Menopause: The Korean Tradition of Sasang Medicine. / Gary Wagman, 2019. Published by Healing Arts Press, a division of Inner Traditions International. 374 p. including Index, Notes, Appendix, Bibliography. Illustrations in black and white.
Detox Diets and Body Ecology
Ease Pain with Natural Compress & Poultices
Got pain?
Did you know you can ease pain with natural compresses and poultices. Is your pain from a sprained ankle, painful neck, wrist, knee or elbow? Do you have pain [Read more…]
Achieving Wellness and Joy
Big Blend Benefits
Chia seeds — tiny, smaller than sesame seeds, and colored black to light gray or white — are so often a component of recipes for vegan or plant-based drinks and puddings. The seeds offer great health benefits, such as a high protein and Omega-3 content. [Read more…]