It’s a choice—change my diet, or take medicine to correct an eating pattern that’s caused a chronic condition? If I take medicine, will I choose a prescription, allopathic, medicine? Or will I chose to follow the wisdom of the ancients and use herbs? The difference will likely be this: prescriptions may not work well, and they may not help me get rid of my condition—especially a chronic condition—that may be with me for the rest of my life. Herbs, recognizable as food by the body, are powerful enough to work with my bodily systems to help change and mitigate that condition. And yet, while herbalists seek to make healing available by alleviating bodily imbalances, no one knows how the future will play out…
Raw Food
Transitioning to the New Vegan You

Vegan Bite By Bite A Recipe for Transition with A Cookbook as One of the Ingredients. / Marilyn Peterson. Published by 3 Ton Tomato Press, Los Angeles, CA, 2012. [Read more…]